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Over the past two years, the Collegamento has made major contributions to this website by providing English translations of articles and much of the "Shroud Booklist". Now, I am pleased to extend a hearty "welcome to the Internet" to my good friends in Rome and wish them great success on their own site. Links to the new site have also been added to the "Links To More Information" and the "Collegamento pro Sindone" pages of this website. Another professional travel organization offering organized tours to Italy for the 1998 Shroud Exhibition has been added to the "Shroud Exhibitions" page of the site. Free listings are available to any professional organization planning such tours. See the page itself for details on submitting a listing and to get more information about the 1998 Shroud Exhibition. From time to time, my rather tedius and extensive work schedule is interrupted by contact from the "outside world" and I actually have visitors come to my studio. This is far more satisfying than the three one eyed computers that usually keep me company!Although I correspond with hundreds of people every month, my contact with most of them is totally electronic so I am thrilled when I get an opportunity to actually meet some of them "in the flesh". In recent months I was privileged to have this happen twice. In early August I was visited by Russ Breault, a noted Shroud lecturer and a Vice President of The Family Channel an American cable network. Russ and I had spoken on the telephone but had never met, when business brought him to Los Angeles and he paid me a visit.
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Without education, it is like you are in a hole without light. 5. Know What You Want To DoYou need to know what you like also before starting this business. Ask your heart if you are really like this category. Keep on asking why you want to do this, what is the reason behind it and how will you accomplish it. When you are starting to have a confidence in yourself, you will know that getting a job is one of the worth thing you should avoid.
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Economically surviving is more important. Often, the affluent parents will have access to educational resources for their children. Also, the parents from this sector of society will most likely educate their children directly or indirectly. It is more likely that these parents will have higher regards for education and establish post secondary educational goals. Also, it is more likely that children whose parents have professional degrees medical doctors, lawyers, or teachers will pursue a similar educational path, than those whose parents educations stopped at a high school diploma level. This is not to say that children's educations are predetermined by the parents education; however, it is merely one factor that can affect their desire to learn. Having taught at a school that was once plagued by riots, student fights, and gang problems, this writer had seen what happened when student safety has been compromised. The condition and availability of resources at a school can play a major factor. One classroom this writer had comes to mind: It was small, cramped and its entrance was through another classroom. On top of that, it was near the train tracks on one side and the wood and metal shop on the other side. It was noisy, and students were easily distracted.