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The effects of the North pole negative and South pole positive magnetism are quite different. North polarity stabilizes, calms and sedates and also reduces pain, infection and inflammation. South polarity, on the other hand, is acid producing, enervating, biologically disorganizing and may accelerate bacteria growth. Magnets with a South polarity should only be used under the care of a trained practitioner if at all1,6. The fact that our bodies consist mainly of water and that all our bodily processes are heavily dependent on water has lead to research into the possibility of using magnetized water to promote health and treat disease. Benefits of Magnetized WaterFor those of us who associate magnetism with intricate patterns of iron filings between the poles of a magnet the idea that water can be magnetized sounds pretty far out. However, there is ample evidence that magnetizing water either with permanent magnets or with electromagnets actuallly has a profound effect. The first practical application of water magnetization occurred in the 1950's when engineers discovered that magnetically treated water had a greatly reduced tendency to form scale when heated. Several explanations for this have been advanced. The most plausible being that magnetization breaks up the "clusters" of water which surround lime and other "foreign" molecules. By doing so these molecules get the opportunity to crystallize and be carried along in the water rather than deposit themselves on the walls of the pipes.

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A fall in the price of station wagons. Q6. What is a production possibility frontier?What do points along the frontier represent?What do points inside and outside the frontier represent?Why does the curve have a bow shape concave rather than a straight line?Q7. Watch the following video clip Comparative Advantage, Opportunity Cost, and Housework and answer the following questions. Link to video a84f5ffd 7f9f 4c2e 933d c585887a34c4%2F1%2Fa. In more detail than provide in the video explain how the opportunity cost of household chores has changed for men and for women.

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16. Regardless of the grade level that you are working with, however, there are a few methods for teaching oral presentations that will assist in making the learning process successful. Provide the students with a list of what is expected of them. This list should include using an introduction, body and conclusion in their presentations, as well speaking to a specific audience. For example, you can tell the students to give an oral presentation about the media and to pretend that they are delivering it to a parent organization. Teaching students to understand how to speak to different audiences is part of building their oral presentation techniques. Instruct students to write out the presentation. For the first few oral presentations, have the students write out what they will say with a pencil on notebook paper. This will aid them in gaining confidence in front of an audience. Allow them to use their papers while they are giving their oral presentation. Instruct the students to work in groups.

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