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When place names are used as adjectives, follow the article rule for the noun they are modifying. Examples: Im studying We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handouts topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find the latest publications on this topic. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial. Byrd, Patricia, and Beverly Benson.

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Basically, initial codes were transformed into sub codes of focused codes, which captured the meaning of similar codes. According to Charmaz 2006, p. 60, the phase of axial coding relates categories to subcategories, specifies the properties and dimensions of a category, and reassembles the data fractured during initial coding to give coherence to the emerging analysis. The works of Strauss and Corbin provide a formal framework for accomplishing this coding phase. But due to the nature of the interviewees statements, developed codes and categories as well as the variety of topics conglomerated within the interviews, the author decided not to apply this framework, as it would have limited the vision on the topic of interest, restricting outcomes, a risk already pointed out by Kelle 2005 and Charmaz 2006. Nevertheless the author adhered to the axial coding phase by defining sub categories for existing categories.

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The data collected on the surveys provides the Department of Education and individual schools with information that shapes future school support funding, school student programs, intervention supports and guide other system wide and school specific strategic planning. We welcome and value the input of both our students and parent community. Mr Phil Honeywell, PrincipalMr James Murphy, Assistant PrincipalMr Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal The school came alive this week with all students returning onsite. And wasnt it great to see and be part of. Whilst perhaps we cant be definitive in saying it was great to see all those happy faces on the return as they were hidden by masks!we all certainly could feel the high level of student excitement and enthusiasm that was present in classrooms and around the college grounds. Classrooms were noisy. Productive noise. Busy noise. Excited noise. Happy noise. Learning in the physical classroom, face to face with teachers is most definitely back and arent we all so pleased that it is!What was equally as impressive to see was the way in which all students respected the need for being COVIDsafe wearing masks, physical distancing and vigilant hygiene practices.

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Petitioner is entitled to a neutral and detached judge in the first instance. Defendants are not entitled to a de novo review. No new evidence is presented. No witnesses are called. The superior court judge will reverse the city court only if it finds the judge erred on a question of law or gave a decision that is plainly contrary to the evidence, and that any mistake was so important that it likely affect ed the outcome of the case. Appeals of cases originating in city court are not allowed beyond the superior court unless the defendant is challenging the validity of a law, fine, or tax. Appeals of ordinance violations or civil traffic citations are rare, said Reeves, the Phoenix attorney. They are hard to win, and the cost of appealing far exceeds whatever fines are levied, he said. Appealing a responsible verdict is especially difficult for a traffic citation. Normal rules of civil procedure do not apply, as they would in a criminal case. And judges are free to consider whatever evidence they deem relevant.

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