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Open Standards Drive InnovationAllowing any site to link to any other site is necessary but not sufficient for a robust Web. The basic Web technologies that individuals and companies need to develop powerful services must be available for free, with no royalties. Amazon. com, for example, grew into a huge online bookstore, then music store, then store for all kinds of goods because it had open, free access to the technical standards on which the Web operates. Amazon, like any other Web user, could use HTML, URI and HTTP without asking anyones permission and without having to pay. It could also use improvements to those standards developed by the World Wide Web Consortium, allowing customers to fill out a virtual order form, pay online, rate the goods they had purchased, and so on. By open standards I mean standards that can have any committed expert involved in the design, that have been widely reviewed as acceptable, that are available for free on the Web, and that are royalty free no need to pay for developers and users. Open, royalty free standards that are easy to use create the diverse richness of Web sites, from the big names such as Amazon, Craigslist and Wikipedia to obscure blogs written by adult hobbyists and to homegrown videos posted by teenagers. Openness also means you can build your own Web site or company without anyones approval. When the Web began, I did not have to obtain permission or pay royalties to use the Internets own open standards, such as the well known transmission control protocol TCP and Internet protocol IP. Similarly, the Web Consortiums royalty free patent policy says that the companies, universities and individuals who contribute to the development of a standard must agree they will not charge royalties to anyone who may use the standard.

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Compton et al. 2010 aimed to connect teacher candidates early field experiences to their teaching experiences. They found that experiential learning helped teacher candidates to reflect and analyze their field experiences and compare their personal histories with new information gathered during the field experiences p. 315. Compton et al. discovered that hands on experiential learning influenced positive outcomes regarding the perceptions of virtual schooling.

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Hi ma'am B. Escobar!thank you for helping and inspiring me to continue this course. thank you for knowing you and being part my journey in life. indeed, it is a philosophy of life. Comments and Reflection on the work of Maam EscobarHi Maam!PMA is a great training ground for those deserving individual cadets to become a dedicated soldier in the future. They develop initiative, discipline, critical thinking, collaboration, and life skills. They are trained to become a leader and to live with courage, integrity, and loyalty. Im very interested with this, wherein I will connect or relate it in the seminary formation life. Then, what is Seminary?According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The English word seminary is taken from the Latin seminarium, translated as seed bed, an image taken from the Council of Trent document Cum adolescentium aetas which called for the first modern seminaries. Accordingly, in the West the term usually refers to Roman Catholic educational institutes, but has widened to include other Christian denominations and American Jewish institutions. In my deepest thought, seminary is a training ground for the committed and deserving seminarians to become an excellent and dedicated priest in the future or follower of Jesus Christ.

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Stanford Medicine is leading the biomedical revolution in precision health, defining and developing the next generation of care that is proactive, predictive and precise. James E. Clark will officially be installed as South Carolina State Universitys 12th president during the university's Founders Day event Sunday. South Carolina State Universitys James E. Clark will officially be installed as the university's 12th president today during the Founders Day convocation. Clark, who became president last summer, said there were two reasons he chose to have the installation during Founders Day instead of holding a separate ceremony as in years past. After the event, a reception will be held for Clark at the I. P. Stanback Museum and Planetarium. The museum had been closed for renovations, but the reception will serve as a reopening, Clark said. "And if people throw a few dollars our way towards that, any excess funds will be used for the museum and presidential scholarships," he said.

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This CV or website must contain contact information, relevant recent research and supervisory experience, and details about the proposed External Examiners degrees. A brief rationale in terms of the special fields of expertise and achievements is required on the nomination form. FGSR will review the nomination for External Examiner and following approval, will notify the supervisor and the academic unit. If the nominee is not acceptable, the Associate Dean will consult with the supervisor and the head of the academic unit to select another examiner. The notice of approval will be accompanied by an Evaluation of Thesis Form for the External Examiner, and an information form on the role of the External Examiner. For Masters candidates, the department is then responsible for ensuring that the Masters thesis and the accompanying forms are delivered to the External Examiner. For doctoral candidates, the forms and the thesis are sent by the FGSR Office. A Masters thesis may not be given to the External Examiner until the department receives the formal approval letter from FGSR. A PhD thesis will be delivered to the External Examiner by FGSR; the External Examiner is not to be given a copy before then. The External Examiner will normally have two weeks for a Masters thesis and four weeks for doctoral thesis, to read the thesis and respond in writing regarding acceptability for defense. NOTE: For students in faculties with departments, their academic unit is the department.

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